
The Burning Effects of Colonization

August 28, 2023

When the first American businessman built a plantation in Hawaii in 1835, seeds were sown. Not just the literal seeds of cash crops, but also the seeds of devastation which have blossomed into the unimaginable tragedy we saw in Maui this month. How can that be? It starts with the way the Hawaiian landscape began …

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Most kids in King County don’t have access to positive youth development programs

July 31, 2023

Neighborhood House is working at multiple levels provide a hopeful future for children and youth in our community by offering quality early learning, partnering with schools to help families experiencing homelessness, offering Guiding Good Choices parenting classes, and creating safe spaces for young people to learn, socialize, and build leadership skills. We know these strategies …

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Working in the Silence

July 21, 2023

Some things happen with a big BOOM!!! Like Roe -v- Wade being overturned. Thus, once again giving government the right to legislate women’s bodies. Denying a basic health care need. For some women its not so basic. For some it is literally their life or death. Some things happen so quietly that we don’t even …

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Vote Yes for vets and seniors on August 1st – renew KC Prop 1 Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy

June 30, 2023

Neighborhood House board voted to sign on with dozens of other community based organizations, elected officials, and labor unions to endorse proposition 1 to renew the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Service Levy (VSHSL) that provides $564 million over 5 years for essential services to across the region. In this video highlighting VSHSL services, our resource …

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June 23, 2023

540, 41, 220, 75, 76. These are the numbers so far. 540 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been introduced in 41 states. 220 pieces of legislation directly target transgender and non- binary folx (this is a record). 75 laws in over a dozen states directly target the LGBTQIA+ community. 76 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have become law this last …

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Human Services Professionals Help All of Us. It’s Time to Pay Them What They’re Worth.

June 20, 2023

“If your children have attended child care or after-school programs, if you’ve accessed a food bank, or if you are a renter (or a landlord) who received rental assistance during COVID, your life has been touched by a human services professional. Human services professionals support Seattle’s human infrastructure. They work in child care, emergency shelters, …

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Are you ready to stand behind women of color leading change?

June 8, 2023

On Tuesday, I had the privilege of being on stage at Town Hall with three other women of color leading change, “movers and shakers” behind our region’s most influential non-profits, Solid Ground, Byrd Barr Place, El Centro de la Raza, and Neighborhood House. This conversation, expertly moderated by TraeAnna Holiday of Converge, was deeply personal, …

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Reflections on identity from our Multiracial & Multiethnic affinity group

May 31, 2023

Greetings from Neighborhood House’s Multiracial & Multiethnic affinity group! In honor of Loving Day on June 12, we wanted to share some our experiences as multiracial and multiethnic people. A little about us: We are a diverse group of folks with many different identities. As multiracial/multiethnic individuals, we are united by our shared experiences of …

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Women of Color Leading Change – Lessons from our Elders

May 19, 2023

The most important decision I made right out of college was joining the board of the Seattle Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the nation. JACL was the training ground for a young, 23 year old me to hone my leadership skills. Through JACL, I got to meet …

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Stop by our 2023 community health fairs!

May 12, 2023

We are excited to be collaborating with Seattle Housing Authority, King County Housing Authority, Villa Communitaria, and other partners to plan six neighborhood health, back-to-school, and community resource fairs this summer. If you would like to sign up to have a resource table, or lead an activity at any of our events, please fill out …

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Your support makes it possible for our vision to become a reality

May 1, 2023

On April 27, over 350 supporters gathered for Neighborhood House’s What Matters Most luncheon. Below is the remarks from our Executive Director, Janice Deguchi For over 117 years, Neighborhood House has been creating opportunities for people in King County experiencing language, cultural, and systemic barriers to live longer happier and healthier lives. We are proud …

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Importance of being Mental Health First Aid certified

May 1, 2023

Since Mental Health America designated it so in 1949, the month of May has been recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. This year’s theme is “Look Around, Look Within.” This month, Mental Health America has asked us to specifically look at how our environments shape our mental health. Through the Mental …

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What is CSBG funding and why we need it

April 12, 2023

Since 1965, born out of President Johnson’s War on Poverty, Community Action Agencies have been helping people gain social and economic mobility, changing inequitable systems that perpetuate the causes and conditions of poverty, and strengthening our community. In 2021, 30 Community Action Agencies served 347,000 low-income Washingtonians in over 175,000 households in all 39 counties. Each of …

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Mothering & Caregiving – What Matters Most

April 4, 2023

Filipinx mother, daughter, caregiver, and national best selling author, Angela Garbes will join us as our keynote speaker for our “What Matters Most” luncheon on April 27. In her book, Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change, Angela describes her parent’s journey from the Philippines to the US as health care workers. A path to economic …

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Equity Summit 2023

April 4, 2023

Equity is not a thing. It is not something that you can put your hands on or describe to the exact tee. Equity is not solid like a wall or stagnant like a pond. It is living and breathing and its shape depends on where and how it is needed. It flows and bends like …

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Rest is Resistance

March 1, 2023

Rest is a form of resistance because it disrupts and pushes back against capitalism and white supremacy. Both toxic systems refuse to see the inherent divinity in human beings and have used bodies as a tool for production, evil, and destruction for centuries. -Tricia Hersey, “Rest Is Resistance” I woke up today, grabbed my coffee, …

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Reimagining holidays in nonprofits

February 23, 2023

“We recognized that our holiday structure excluded different faiths and values that are held by Neighborhood House employees. Neighborhood House has 350 staff members who speak over 40 languages. 72% of staff members identify as Black, Indigenous or POC. 33% self-identify as immigrants and 36% report that English is not their primary language.” Read more …

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Human services wages are even worse than you imagined

February 23, 2023

“Nonprofit leaders say they’re losing talented workers—and struggling to recruit new ones—because they can’t offer competitive wages. Janice Deguchi, the executive director of Neighborhood House, said the nonprofit recently lost a teacher who had been working to connect a developmentally delayed child to the group’s early-learning program and other services.” Read more about the new comparable …

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Young voices are our future

December 16, 2022

Congratulations to our youth program in Auburn for winning a $30,000 grant for an improved community playground! Young people participating in Neighborhood House’s afterschool programs brainstormed the project, helped draft a proposal, collected signatures, and went on to receive the most votes in the city against other submissions. Speaking to a 6th grader about the …

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