
Inequities in Parks and Recreation

June 28, 2024

It’s summertime – at least by the date on the calendar it’s summertime. The days are longer and brighter, and the temps are higher. It’s the time of year when folks start spending more time doing outdoor activities, taking their children to local parks and beaches, and visiting state and national parks to hike, fish …

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39 Years Later – The City That Bombed Itself  

June 3, 2024

This year we acknowledge the 39th anniversary of the day that the City of Philadelphia dropped bombs on its own city and its own citizens.  On May 13, 1985, Philadelphia police issued warrants against a few members of the Christian Movement for Life – known as MOVE (not an acronym) – for crimes that included …

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Adult Autism

March 29, 2024

As a child I never thought about Autism. I didn’t know what it was.  As a I became an adult it never hit my radar.  I hate to say it, but it was something that I just never had to think about. In my 20s I had a nephew who was diagnosed with Aspergers, but …

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The Power of Centering Community in Fundraising

February 29, 2024

By Roxanne Gossard (Director of Development) & Emily Tomita (Associate Director of Development) Greetings from the Neighborhood House Development Team’s new leaders! We are Roxanne (she/her) and Emily (she/her), and we are honored to have the responsibility of leading our agency’s efforts to build our community of supporters, grow awareness of the amazing work Neighborhood …

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Reflections on Black History Month

January 26, 2024

February is Black History Month. The shortest month of the year is dedicated to learning and teaching (sort of) the history of Black people here in the Unites States. When I was a kid, I loved Black History Month. For 28 days I got to learn about a history that was not often taught or …

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Neighborhood House 2023 Equity Summit!!!

December 1, 2023

We are so proud to report that Neighborhood House’s first Equity Summit was a success! 234 NH staff and guests came together to learn about topics related to equity, cycles of poverty, and what we can do to put our newfound knowledge to use for the communities we serve. Attendees had a choice of 5 …

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LGBTQIA Youth are Overrepresented in the Homeless Youth Population

October 27, 2023

LGBTQIA youth homelessness is a specific and critical issue that affects a disproportionate number of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or other non-heteronormative orientations or gender identities. The number can vary over time but around 22% of youth are experiencing homelessness in King County1 and 20-40% of the …

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The Burning Effects of Colonization

August 28, 2023

When the first American businessman built a plantation in Hawaii in 1835, seeds were sown. Not just the literal seeds of cash crops, but also the seeds of devastation which have blossomed into the unimaginable tragedy we saw in Maui this month. How can that be? It starts with the way the Hawaiian landscape began …

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Working in the Silence

July 21, 2023

Some things happen with a big BOOM!!! Like Roe -v- Wade being overturned. Thus, once again giving government the right to legislate women’s bodies. Denying a basic health care need. For some women its not so basic. For some it is literally their life or death. Some things happen so quietly that we don’t even …

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June 23, 2023

540, 41, 220, 75, 76. These are the numbers so far. 540 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been introduced in 41 states. 220 pieces of legislation directly target transgender and non- binary folx (this is a record). 75 laws in over a dozen states directly target the LGBTQIA+ community. 76 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have become law this last …

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Reflections on identity from our Multiracial & Multiethnic affinity group

May 31, 2023

Greetings from Neighborhood House’s Multiracial & Multiethnic affinity group! In honor of Loving Day on June 12, we wanted to share some our experiences as multiracial and multiethnic people. A little about us: We are a diverse group of folks with many different identities. As multiracial/multiethnic individuals, we are united by our shared experiences of …

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Importance of being Mental Health First Aid certified

May 1, 2023

Since Mental Health America designated it so in 1949, the month of May has been recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. This year’s theme is “Look Around, Look Within.” This month, Mental Health America has asked us to specifically look at how our environments shape our mental health. Through the Mental …

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Equity Summit 2023

April 4, 2023

Equity is not a thing. It is not something that you can put your hands on or describe to the exact tee. Equity is not solid like a wall or stagnant like a pond. It is living and breathing and its shape depends on where and how it is needed. It flows and bends like …

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Rest is Resistance

March 1, 2023

Rest is a form of resistance because it disrupts and pushes back against capitalism and white supremacy. Both toxic systems refuse to see the inherent divinity in human beings and have used bodies as a tool for production, evil, and destruction for centuries. -Tricia Hersey, “Rest Is Resistance” I woke up today, grabbed my coffee, …

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Attendee reflections from the Facing Race Conference

December 1, 2022

Last month, several Neighborhood House staff attended the Facing Race Conference. We were treated to an incredible speech by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of How To Be An Anti-Racist, and Stamped From the Beginning, and many sessions presented by race and equity experts and practitioners. One of the sessions I attended was The Trojan …

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King County community comes together to support Latinx youth

October 4, 2022

This Latinx and Hispanic Heritage month is a special one for many Latinx King County community members. Neighborhood House, community partners, parents, and youth celebrate being awarded 5 years of CDCs Drug-Free Communities program to support the newly created Latinx – King County Dream Coalition (La Coalición de los Sueños del Condado del Rey in …

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Holidays at Neighborhood House

July 1, 2022

Neighborhood House (NH) is committed to becoming a fully inclusive, anti-racist, multi-cultural organization. As such, we are reevaluating our policies, including our holiday structure, so that we can continue to create a more equitable organizational culture. Today NH has 306 staff members who speak over 40 languages. 72% of staff members identify as Black, Indigenous, …

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Being present for the first Juneteenth federal holiday

June 1, 2022

June 19th, 2022 will be the first year that many people will receive the day off in honor of Juneteenth, commemorating the day that enslaved people in Galveston, TX learned slavery had been abolished. They’d toiled in the hot sun for years under chattel slavery, and this year we will celebrate their freedom by taking …

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Multicultural principles for early childhood leaders

May 3, 2022

Head Start published these Multicultural Principles back in 1991. They have since been updated and continue to provide research based guidance to Head Start programs around the nation. They are also relevant principles that can be applied to other Neighborhood House service areas and approaches. You can find these principles and many other resources on …

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