We work with 14,000 people every year and address the needs of entire families, with a focus on immigrants, refugees, low-income community members, and public housing residents.
Not sure which resources or services are relevant to you?
Call our Help Line at 206-923-6480 or fill out our help request form and we will contact you.
Are you a community partner? Download our one-pager! More languages coming soon.
Aging and Disability Services
Resources and referral services, caregiver support, health and wellness goals, Medicaid case management, support groups, and more.
Community Health
Testing and referrals, HIV and hepatitis counseling, mental health referrals, homelessness services, drug prevention and health promotion campaigns.
Early Childhood Education
Prenatal services, developmental screenings, home visiting, playgroups, toddler classrooms, school readiness, parent trainings, Policy Council
Employment and Adult Education
Vocational training, employment case management, job placements, computer literacy, citizenship classes, and more.
Housing Assistance Services
Are you in need of an immediate shelter, eviction prevention resources, or rental assistance?
Youth and Family Services
After-school programs, tutoring, STEM and arts engagement, juvenile justice advocacy, mentorship, English classes, and more.
Neighborhood House receives support and funding from a US Department of Labor grant. Read more about this USDOL grant funding at seakingwdc.org/investment-guide.
This website is supported in part by federal funds, including Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) dollars. The views expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or other federal agencies.