Youth and Family Services

Our youth programs and resource centers provide a safe space for children and young people to reach their potential as students and community members. Neighborhood House program specialists and tutors work with 6 to 18 year olds through after-school mentoring, college-readiness support, and engagement in STEAM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts, and Math) activities. We also work with young adults aged 14 to 21 who have left the traditional school system to set and achieve educational and career goals.

Youth and Family Services 

We provide place-based and 1:1 services to serve youth and young adults, from the age of 5 to 24, in South King County. We welcome youth and young adults from all backgrounds. We believe in providing safe spaces for each youth to work with reliable adult mentors in order to explore their potential in areas of their interest. We also welcome parents and other adults in the home to work with us to remove barriers for youth and young adults to explore, create, and plan their future. Ultimately, we hope our youth and young adults will thrive and graduate high school, seek post-secondary options, and gain a career of their choice. 

Youth Afterschool Program 

Located in 3 public housing communities in Auburn and White Center, this program offers academic assistance and innovative projects for youth aged 6 to 18 to improve school performance and boost interpersonal social skills. It provides a safe space for youth to reach their potential as students and community members throughout the school year and summer.  

For more information, please contact Diana Lian at or 206-939-0209. 

Family Resource Center 

Our Family Resource Center engages families in the High Point public housing community, and other Seattle locations, encouraging connections and celebrations of the diverse cultures of the community. Programs from community partners and guest presenters assist families navigate complex institutional systems and become successful advocates for their children. 

For more information, please contact Greg Kusumi at 206-226-9107.  

Ready to Work ESL & Job Training Program 

Provides ESL and workforce training to Limited English Proficient clients out of the High Point Center. Provides case management, employment, and related services for those who are facing challenges to get a job. In partnership with Literacy Source, a community-based organization, contracted by the City to provide educational services including classroom instruction. 

For more information, please contact Greg Kusumi at 206-226-9107.  

Youth Advocacy Program 

Provides one-on-one services to youth, aged 12 to 24, residing in King County at risk of involvement/involved in the King County juvenile justice system. We partner with several public school districts and other King County re-engagement programs to keep youth in school. Youth Advocates mentor youth provide reliable adult mentorship educational path in order for them to beat truancy, graduate, seek post-secondary options and work in a career of their choice.  

For more information, please contact Angel at or 206-739-3771.