
Initiative 2109 Threatens Education Funding and Our Children’s Future

June 28, 2024

This month, I’m “passing the mic” to our board Vice President  John Curry. John is an attorney with Adams and Duncan law firm and a lifelong Seattle resident. As a board member of Neighborhood House, I’m proud of our organization’s efforts in helping the community, from child development to housing assistance to aging and disability …

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Inequities in Parks and Recreation

June 28, 2024

It’s summertime – at least by the date on the calendar it’s summertime. The days are longer and brighter, and the temps are higher. It’s the time of year when folks start spending more time doing outdoor activities, taking their children to local parks and beaches, and visiting state and national parks to hike, fish …

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39 Years Later – The City That Bombed Itself  

June 3, 2024

This year we acknowledge the 39th anniversary of the day that the City of Philadelphia dropped bombs on its own city and its own citizens.  On May 13, 1985, Philadelphia police issued warrants against a few members of the Christian Movement for Life – known as MOVE (not an acronym) – for crimes that included …

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School’s Out, but Neighborhood House is IN!

June 3, 2024

Access to good food and supportive relationships shouldn’t end when school is out. In King County, 100,000 low-income students have access to free meals during the school year, but less than 1 in 5 access free meals served during the summer. Neighborhood House’s Seola Gardens location in White Center, and our Burndale and Firwood Circle …

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What Matters Most

April 25, 2024

A couple of months ago, Neighborhood House supporter, Ami Nguyen, invited me and several friends to dim sum to introduce us to Susan Lieu, author of The Manicurist’s Daughter. The event was a fundraiser to provide copies of Susan’s book to young adults who could identify with her story. Susan shared with us why she …

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Adult Autism

March 29, 2024

As a child I never thought about Autism. I didn’t know what it was.  As a I became an adult it never hit my radar.  I hate to say it, but it was something that I just never had to think about. In my 20s I had a nephew who was diagnosed with Aspergers, but …

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Community Needs Assessment

March 29, 2024

I am excited to share our updated Community Needs Assessment that provides important insights into our community and organizational strengths, needs, and opportunities. There are many bright spots; as well as much work to do. I am grateful to the clients, volunteers, and staff that gave their insights, collected, analyzed data, and edited multiple drafts. …

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WA boost in student homelessness funding reaches more districts

March 14, 2024

Article by Greg Kim in the Seattle Times (published Feb. 21, 2024) “About half of the increased state funding went to nonprofits serving homeless students, such as Neighborhood House in King County, which received nearly $200,000. It’s using that to help homeless students and their families in Tukwila, where an immigration crisis has brought hundreds …

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The Power of Centering Community in Fundraising

February 29, 2024

By Roxanne Gossard (Director of Development) & Emily Tomita (Associate Director of Development) Greetings from the Neighborhood House Development Team’s new leaders! We are Roxanne (she/her) and Emily (she/her), and we are honored to have the responsibility of leading our agency’s efforts to build our community of supporters, grow awareness of the amazing work Neighborhood …

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Bridging Belonging Through Community Action

February 29, 2024

Last month, I had the privilege of attending the National Community Action Partnership Management Leadership and Training Conference in Las Vegas with Board Vice President Cynthia Wang. We were both so inspired by the keynote speaker Dr. john a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkley. The following is a recap …

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Good News from The Other Washington!

January 30, 2024

Yes, you did read that correctly. Last month, Million Shiferaw, our Director of Child Development and I attended the National Head Start Association Winter Leadership Conference. We were able to visit with both Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell, both of whom fully support Head Start and the important work we do in our …

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Reflections on Black History Month

January 26, 2024

February is Black History Month. The shortest month of the year is dedicated to learning and teaching (sort of) the history of Black people here in the Unites States. When I was a kid, I loved Black History Month. For 28 days I got to learn about a history that was not often taught or …

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Looking ahead to 2024

December 21, 2023

Neighborhood House staff with other organizations advocating for refugee rights at the State Capital in Olympia, WA Happy New Year! As we embark on 2024, strengthening our programs, serving our 13,000 clients and community members, and supporting our 350 staff members are our top priorities. Policies and policy makers at the federal, state, and local …

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Neighborhood House 2023 Equity Summit!!!

December 1, 2023

We are so proud to report that Neighborhood House’s first Equity Summit was a success! 234 NH staff and guests came together to learn about topics related to equity, cycles of poverty, and what we can do to put our newfound knowledge to use for the communities we serve. Attendees had a choice of 5 …

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A Huge Win for the Coalition Fighting for Better Wages for Human Services Workers

November 30, 2023
ECS Team 2023

Neighborhood House staff members at the Education and Community Services team retreat Thanks to the leadership of Mayor Bruce Harrell, Councilmember Lisa Herbold, Council President Teresa Mosqueda, Councilmember Andrew Lewis, and the Councilmembers that joined them, Seattle has taken the first crucial step towards wage equity for human services workers and approved a 7.5% inflation …

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Supporting COFA Citizens: Neighborhood House’s Advocacy and the Compact Impact Fairness Act (CIFA)

October 27, 2023

Neighborhood House employees, COFA citizens, and a White House representative When Cecelia (Cece) Heine started working at Neighborhood House in 2016, she was the first citizen of the Marshall Islands to work here. In 2020, Cece brought on Triple Js Kaminaga to help their community navigate the challenges of COVID. Together, hundreds of Marshall Islanders …

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LGBTQIA Youth are Overrepresented in the Homeless Youth Population

October 27, 2023

LGBTQIA youth homelessness is a specific and critical issue that affects a disproportionate number of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or other non-heteronormative orientations or gender identities. The number can vary over time but around 22% of youth are experiencing homelessness in King County1 and 20-40% of the …

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Latinx Dream Coalition Building Paths to Healthy Changes

September 29, 2023

Members of the Dream Coalition posing for a photo after their launch. When advocates in King County’s Latino community realized they had few services focusing on substance use disorder and prevention, The Latinx Dream Coalition (La Coalición de los Sueños del Condado del Rey) was born in March 2021. Neighborhood House helped start the Latinx …

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