
What is CSBG funding and why we need it

April 12, 2023

Since 1965, born out of President Johnson’s War on Poverty, Community Action Agencies have been helping people gain social and economic mobility, changing inequitable systems that perpetuate the causes and conditions of poverty, and strengthening our community. In 2021, 30 Community Action Agencies served 347,000 low-income Washingtonians in over 175,000 households in all 39 counties. Each of …

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Mothering & Caregiving – What Matters Most

April 4, 2023

Filipinx mother, daughter, caregiver, and national best selling author, Angela Garbes will join us as our keynote speaker for our “What Matters Most” luncheon on April 27. In her book, Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change, Angela describes her parent’s journey from the Philippines to the US as health care workers. A path to economic …

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