
One million shots and counting

April 7, 2021

“King County has reached a milestone: One million COVID-19 vaccines delivered.  One year ago, that seemed impossible. But vaccines were developed in record time – not just one, not just two, but three.  A wide array of community and faith-based organizations have played a crucial role in delivering those vaccines. We spoke with some of those partners to reflect on what it means to reach one million …

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Since when is Seattle full of fruit trees? (Since always)

March 23, 2021

“The brand new orchard, located by the High Point Commons Park in West Seattle, will yield hundreds of pounds of fruit in the coming years. And if you’re looking to relieve quarantine cabin fever with some outdoor frolicking, good news: You can help out with the harvest, or just take a stroll among the blossoms.” …

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Washington’s immigrant and refugee elders face challenges in COVID-19 vaccine access

February 8, 2021

“Still, more than two weeks into the current phase, immigrant and refugee elders continue to face challenges in accessing the vaccine, from language barriers to a lack of transportation and technology, say group members Helping Link and Neighborhood House, two nonprofits that serve immigrant and refugee populations. Their experiences reflect concerns about inequities around the …

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Old people at home will get vaccinated, but maybe not their caregivers, state announces

January 14, 2021

“Rimi Afroze, program manager of the Aging and Disability Services of Neighborhood House, said the mainstream healthcare system has long overlooked the particular needs of immigrant, refugee, and marginalized populations. During the pandemic, she ‘faced huge roadblocks’ in trying to find culturally appropriate support for homebound elders who were becoming increasingly depressed and anxious, such …

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Why some locals are skeptical about Jeff Bezos’ free preschool near Seattle

October 14, 2020

“If Bezos or any other wealthy donor were to fund existing free preschool programs for low-income families in Washington, there are many areas that their wealth can fill, according to Karin Ganz, an administrator at the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF). They include supporting more mental health consultation services for parents …

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Unemployment in King County hits communities of color hardest

May 29, 2020

“The low jobless rates of the past several years masked just how precarious the financial picture was, Deguchi said. The reality was that many people, particularly in immigrant communities and communities of color, were balancing multiple low-wage jobs just to get by, and the coronavirus has now toppled that house of cards.” Read the full …

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Janice Deguchi — making an impact is what matters

December 12, 2019

“Janice Deguchi is three months into her job as executive director of Neighborhood House, one of the oldest social service organizations in Seattle. She’s been the leader of a number of nonprofits, transforming them in profound ways. But it was answering phones for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) straight out of college that taught her …

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This data tool helps homeless people get housing. If you’re white, your chances are even better.

October 29, 2019

“When Leah Post started using a tool meant to prioritize the most vulnerable people she worked with for a shot at housing, she noticed something was off.  People walking through the doors of her human services organization were disproportionately people of color. But the assessment tool she was using, a mouthful called the Vulnerability Index — Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool, or VI-SPDAT for short, regularly prioritized white clients.” Read the full article at …

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