
Creating inclusive depression care for older Asian Americans

June 17, 2022

“Older Asian American adults face many and different systemic barriers to accessing depression care. Evidence-based programs such as the Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS) can be adapted by community-based organizations to offer culturally appropriate depression care. Three community-based organizations serving Cambodian, Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese American older adults share lessons learned in improve …

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Washington’s immigrant and refugee elders face challenges in COVID-19 vaccine access

February 8, 2021

“Still, more than two weeks into the current phase, immigrant and refugee elders continue to face challenges in accessing the vaccine, from language barriers to a lack of transportation and technology, say group members Helping Link and Neighborhood House, two nonprofits that serve immigrant and refugee populations. Their experiences reflect concerns about inequities around the …

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Connection in the time of COVID

February 4, 2021

This piece was originally included in the Winter 2021 Community Partner Connection newsletter of the Department of Social and Health Services. With many programs going remote in 2020, Neighborhood House was concerned about keeping our elders plugged into their social circles and services. Most of these clients have limited financial resources and speak a first …

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Old people at home will get vaccinated, but maybe not their caregivers, state announces

January 14, 2021

“Rimi Afroze, program manager of the Aging and Disability Services of Neighborhood House, said the mainstream healthcare system has long overlooked the particular needs of immigrant, refugee, and marginalized populations. During the pandemic, she ‘faced huge roadblocks’ in trying to find culturally appropriate support for homebound elders who were becoming increasingly depressed and anxious, such …

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