
Janice Deguchi — making an impact is what matters

December 12, 2019

“Janice Deguchi is three months into her job as executive director of Neighborhood House, one of the oldest social service organizations in Seattle. She’s been the leader of a number of nonprofits, transforming them in profound ways. But it was answering phones for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) straight out of college that taught her …

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Way beyond the numbers

December 2, 2019

When I set out to write this article, I began by looking at data. I looked up the homeless rate of POC (People of Color), specifically the impact on the Black community compared to the White community. I read about the infant mortality rates of Black mothers here in Washington state compared to White mothers. …

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Indigenous People’s Day

November 1, 2019

Indigenous People’s Day is a day to honor and celebrate the original people and cultures of our land. Indigenous history and culture have often been excluded or misrepresented, which contributes to ongoing oppression. Indigenous People’s Day ensures that important and challenging histories are not erased. My family’s story helps me remember why this is important. …

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This data tool helps homeless people get housing. If you’re white, your chances are even better.

October 29, 2019

“When Leah Post started using a tool meant to prioritize the most vulnerable people she worked with for a shot at housing, she noticed something was off.  People walking through the doors of her human services organization were disproportionately people of color. But the assessment tool she was using, a mouthful called the Vulnerability Index — Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool, or VI-SPDAT for short, regularly prioritized white clients.” Read the full article at …

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On the ballot: Referendum 88

October 1, 2019

Neighborhood House is a multicultural agency working to disrupt the forces of poverty, inequality,and injustice. This monthly column is intended to promote awareness of equity issues in our regionand in our work. This month, we’re providing an overview of a measure that Washington voters will decide on inthe upcoming 2019 elections. What is Referendum 88? …

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