
Volume 38

August 23, 2021

Teachers: Martha Dominguez and Mamata Das | Home Learning

SUMMER 2021 Vol. 38| Week of 08/23-27/2021

Health Fairs

SEOLA GARDENS (Burien/White Center)

Wednesday, September 1, 4:00 – 6:00pm

11215 5th Ave SW #129, Seattle, WA 98146

YESLER (Central)

Friday, August 27, 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Address TBD

Click on blue links below to read the resources and watch the video:

Social Emotional

60 minutes

How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends?

How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends?: Yolen, Jane, Teague, Mark: 9780545829342: Books

Parents, did you have friends or a special friends in Elementary school? Share with your child about that special friend(s). What made your relationship special, and how did you know? Does your child has a special friend (s)? Does your child has a special friend?

Padres de familia, ustedes tuvieron amigos o a un amig@ especial el la primaria?

Comparta con su hij@ acerca de aquella amistad. Que fue lo que hizo la relacion especial, y como lo sabia usted? Tiene su hij@ un amig@ (s) especial?

Song: We are the Dinosaurs

by Laurie Berkner


Language / Literacy

60 minutes

ABC Photo Book

This engaging project is a great way to reinforce alphabet skills!

This activity is appropriate for:
pre-k – 1st grade / 4 – 6 years

You will need:

  • Construction Paper – 9″ x 12″ (27 sheets for each student)
  • Photo corners or Super-Safe Craft Tape Center – 1″
  • Markers, colored pencils or Lakeshore Standard Crayon Packs
  • Hole punch
  • Safety Scissors
  • Old magazines and photos
  • Yarn or ribbon


  1. Have students bring photos or old magazines from home and cut out pictures of things that start with each letter from A-Z.
  2. Encourage students to use the construction paper to create a book page for each letter. Have students clearly write the letter on the page and then use crayons, markers or colored pencils to decorate it.
  3. Students can use photo corners or tape to affix 1 or more pictures to each page. Pictures of items that start with “A” will go on the “A” page, and so on.
  4. When all the pages are ready, have students punch holes along the left side of each one.
  5. Have students create a cover and write the title “My ABC Book” on it. Remind students to include the “by ______” line. Then, have them punch holes along the left side of the cover.
  6. Instruct students to use yarn or ribbon to bind the pages and cover together.
  7. As the year continues, students can add more photos to each page!

Art / Writing

60 minutes

Parents: have your child help you put the groceries away if appropriate, and have her make a drawing of your pantry afterwards.

Provide her with paper and crayons, or markers and ask her to draw exactly what she sees in the pantry, including the product’s brands and names.

Padres de familia: Pídale a su hijo que lo ayude a guardar la comida si tiene la edad apropiada, y después pídale que haga un dibujo de su alacena. Dele papel, y crayolas o marcadores y dígale que dibuje exactamente lo que ve. Esto incluye los nombres y marcas de los productos.

Sog: Helping Mom and Dad

Math / Science

60 minutes

Book: All About Sound All About Sound (Rookie Read-About Science: Physical Science:  Previous Editions): 9780516258478: Trumbauer, Lisa: Books

All you need are some objects that can make noise, or you can hit/touch different objects to make a sound.

How to Play:

  1. Have your child stand on one side of the room. Place the noise making objects with you on the other side of the room. Listen to all of the sounds before you start the game. Ask your child to describe the sounds. Does it sound like a drum? Does it sound like water dripping? Is it metallic sounding?
  2. Ask your child to turn around facing away from you.
  3. Make a noise with one of the objects.
  4. Ask your child to run across the room and choose the object that made the noise.
  5. Reset and play again.

Problem Solving

60 minutes

Story: The Playground Problem

The Playground Problem by Margaret McNamara

The boys will not let the girls play soccer with them during recess. Emma told dad the problem, dad help her think of a solution, and made a plan. Do you think Emma solve the problem? What was your favorite part of the story?

Los niños no permiten que las niñas jueguen al fútbol con ellos durante el recreo. Emma le contó a papá el problema, papá la ayudó a pensar en una solución e hizo un plan. ¿Crees que Emma soluciona el problema? ¿Cuál fue tu parte favorita de la historia?

Pasos para Resolver Problemas por SECOND STEP

  1. Nombra el problema (sin culpar a nadie)
  2. Piensa en Soluciones (Con Seguridad y Respeto)
  3. Explora las consecuencias (Que pasaría si…)
  4. Elije la mejor solución (Haz Tu Plan).

Song: “Step Up” by Second Step

Movement / Play


Build an obstacle course in the backyard. Pretend to be America Ninja Warriors and see how quickly you can each get through the course.

Go fishing. In many states, kids can drop a line in without a license.

Hold a hula-hoop contest. See which family member can hula the longest.

Play miniature golf. Go to a local course or build your own course on the driveway.

Take bike rides for fun. Either leave from your own house or drive to biking trails.

Play balloon tennis. Gather a balloon, paper plates, and painting sticks and you are all set. Attach the sticks to the paper plates to make the paddles and use the balloon as the ball. This is a great activity for indoor or outdoor play.

Run in the yard. Play kickball, Frisbee, tag, and other outdoor games. You could even create your own summer Olympics.