Toddler Class 114B – Teacher Saida
Newsletter – Week of October 25th Volume- 3
Hallo families:
I greeting you all and I hope you are well and happy. Every week we have MS H/V meeting and also socialization, When setting up the times to do our home visits I am flexible with what works best for you. We want to set them up for the same day/time each week but if you have something at same time occasionally you can call me or text to me and I can change make another schedule.
Problem Solving
20 minutes
For the toddler to express caring feeling and give hugs, pats, or high fives to other children.
Toddlers sometimes find difficult to learn to express affection to other children their partners do not cooperate; however, expressing affection is important.
Begin by complimenting the toddler on giving his teddy bear love he hugs it. When he is with another child and both seem to be sharing pleasurable feeling, ask him if he would like to give the child a hug. Do this a couple of times and then watch to see if the children hug, pat or high fives each other spontaneously.
Language / Literacy
30 minutes
Approximate time per week: 30minutes
For the toddler to expand language skills by talking about details in picture books.
- When you looking at a book with a 2-year-old, ask him to identify things in the pictures. Begin by asking him, where is[the dog]
- Choose another simple item in the picture and ask the child to point to the item you have chosen.
- Continue by asking him to identify other items in the picture.
- Later, ask him to tell you what is pictured on the page by asking him, “what is this?
Be sure to offer a variety of interesting picture books, the child favorite books.
Math / Science
20 minutes
Play with toys and objects of different size. Involve your child in activities that show “more” and “less”. Put things together, such us simple matching puzzles, nesting cups or stackable rings. Offer your child blocks with numerals or other number toys.
Follow simple directions that use words like “in,” “on” “up” and down.
Give the child toys that have a set of sizes, such as nesting cups or stackable rings.
Science: – Sink or float?
Set out a water-filled dishpan. Collect several objects, that float, such as a sponge, a cork, and a rubber ball, and several objects that sing such as a rock, a crayon, and a metal spoon. Hold up one object at a time and ask your child to guess whether it will sink or float. Then let them place the object in the water to see if their guesses were correct.
Problem Solving
20 minutes
Approximate time per week:3 0 minutes.
Goal experience:- For toddlers to identify 1-8 color.
- Gathering a set of small objects in a can or a basket use only primary colors, 2 colors at a time.
- Lay out objects in a row ask the child, which one is red?
- Continue, using other objects and colors as is appropriate to the individual child. through out the day ask color through out the day as color.
Questions; for instance: whose shoes are red? Or which ball is yellow? If you have yellow ball raise your hand. Use the shapes to practice colors.
Movement / Play
30 minutes
Music and Movement:
For the toddler to get on, ride and get off riding toys independently.
Offer the toddler a riding toy. Observe and support his ability to get on and off and so navigate the moving toy.
As his skill develops offer different kinds of riding toys.
When some proficiency has been achieved, find a gentle hill and encourage the toddler to ride up and down the hill.
Different kinds of riding toys, including types to sit in, such as a small car or fire engine, and types to sit on, such as a small tyke bike or tricycle.
Art / Writing
20 minutes
For the toddler to learn the multistep fine, motor task of putting large beds on a string.
Show the toddler how to string a bead onto a plastic tube and slide the bead down to the end. This is a 3-step task of putting string through the bead’s hole, pulling it out the other end of the bead, and then pulling the bead down the length of the tube or string. Help the toddler master each of the three steps. It might be easier it in her hand if the toddler works with the plastic tube or string when it is lying on a table top rather than holding.
- Show the toddler how to thread each bead through the hole.
- Pull the bead through the tube.
- Slide each bead to the end, and then add another.
Show the toddler how to take the beads off the string or tube and put them away.
Materials: Large beads with large holes, plastic tube or stiff plastic string, string with a plastic tip (such as a shoestring), basket to hold the beads and plastic or string