Language / Literacy
Dinosaur Dinosaur: Book Video
This book is about dinosaurs and we discuss opposites. While reading the story I will ask your child to say the opposites to words we find in the story. To watch the video click on this link and add the password: NH
Math / Science
One Two Three Four Five Song
As I was talking to a family last week, they reminded me of all the fun songs we normally sing in the classroom. Ask your child to sing the “One Two Three Four Five Song”
The lyrics go like this:
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right
Movement / Play
Indoor Obstacle Course
It is important for kids to stay active. Although, with the rainy weather, try doing an indoor obstacle course!
Push aside some furniture, and practice gross motor skills without breaking any priceless antiques! Set out a laundry basket and use balled up socks to practice throwing and accuracy. Tape down some yarn or string for a makeshift balance beam or even crawl under or over a row of chairs. Do moves in place, like running, jumping and hopping. Add yoga moves, use a timer and cheer them on. Don’t forget to be safe while doing this activity!
Problem Solving
Sort and Match clothes
Your child(ren) will learn a lot of self-help skills if you have them help do laundry! They will be very proud of their new abilities.
- Ask your child(ren) to sort and stack their laundry by putting all like things together such as underwear in one pile, socks in another.
- Let them sort clothes by “owner” (my shirts, Dad’s shirts).
- Ask your children to match a shoe with a shoe, a sock with a sock.
- Give your child(ren) a limited choice of what to wear. Ask them why they chose the clothes they did.
Art / Writing
Paper Bag Town Maps – Undo the seams on a paper grocery bag, turn it over (non-print side), and have children draw roads. Use this map to drive little cars. You can add to this map, by encouraging children to draw in buildings and parks. You can add to this map by encouraging children to draw in schools, houses, stores, trees, and parks.