
Volume 23

July 12, 2021


  1. Tutorial for News Letter
  2. End of The Year Celebration  
  3. Tools of the Mind link Explore in Child Center.
  4. New Library Materials Link:
    Prepare all materials in backpack.
  5. REMINDER: Please remove any distractions (toys, TV, Distractions)
  6. REMINDER: Please have your child use the bathroom before class starts.
  7. All videos have a password please refer to the text message or email.
  • Extra Classes at 1:30 Tuesday-Friday

Movement / Play

Activity: Who Am I?

This activity promotes fantasy play and thinking skills, along with building gross motor skills.

Choose different animals and pretend to move like them. Take turns guessing what animal the other person is.

Try suggesting different categories to make it more challenging, such as animals that jump, fly or run.

  • Tortoise
  • Crab
  • Elephant
  • Seal
  • Snake
  • Butterfly
  • Rabbit

(1-5 times a week for 5 minutes)

Language / Literacy

  1. Story Making
    1. Draw a picture story
    2. Have your child tell you the story once finished
    3. Write down what they tell you to add words to the story.
    4. Make a title Page
      1. Create a title
      2. Child write author: child name
  • Draw a single picture for Title Page

Math / Science

  1. Pattern Making with Colors.
    1. Teach: Repeating patterns using colors
    2. Describe what you see
    3. Talk about patterns in life (stripes, food)
    4. Have fun making our own patterns

Art / Writing

  1. Letter F
    1. Sound Recognition:
    2. Practice writing uppercase and lowercase letter Ff.
    3. Think of words that begin with the letter F and draw pictures
    4. Mystery Question:

Social Emotional

  1. Story Read Aloud – Llama Llama Time to Share
    1. Watch:
    2. Talk about a moment when it was difficult to share.
    3. How did Llama Llama share in the story?
    4. Sharing strategy:

Movement / Play

Movements of 10 (clapping, jumping, arm raises, blinking).

(10 minutes)