
Volume 20

April 22, 2021

Learning Resource for Week 30: April 26 – April 30

Message from Teacher Anna, Teacher Selena, & Teacher Mimi:

After over a year of being closed, the Seattle Public Library is slowly opening up some libraries for limited in-building services. The Seattle Public Library will be offering limited services inside the Beacon Hill, Lake City and Southwest Branches, starting April 27, 2021.

Buildings will operate at 25% capacity for 90 minute time blocks on Tuesdays through Saturdays from noon to 6 p.m. A limited number of computers with internet access will be available for you to use with a two-hour usage limit per day.

For more information, please visit: Seattle Public Library: In-Building Services here:

As we mentioned last week, our four program-wide expectations are Be Courageous, Be Curious, Be Compassionate, Be A Community. This week we will be focusing on how children can be courageous.

Children are courageous when they:

–        Try new things for the first time

–        Ask questions

–        Make a mistake and try again

–        Share their own feelings

–        Stand up for what is right

In this week’s Learning Resource, you’ll find an activity to help your child learn about being courageous!

Suggested Home Learning Activities For This Week:

Social Emotional

The Lion Inside – This is an activity to teach your child about how to be courageous. There are times when we might not feel courageous in life and that might stop us from doing things. This is a great topic to discuss with your child. Watch this video about a brave little mouse and afterward discuss with your child how sometimes it might feel hard to speak up but in the end for the mouse it was worth it. Ask your child about a time they were scared about doing something and how that made them feel, ask them what they can try next time in that situation that might help them feel a little more courageous.

Video Link:

Art / Writing

Paper Roll Car: Art Video – This activity is a new activity the class has not done before. We are making a car out of empty toilet paper rolls! It might be a challenge to do but we can get through it by watching the video of Teacher Selena. Parents, don’t forget to help your child while using the scissors to cut out the window shield. Let’s be creative with your race cars!


Materials needed:

Empty toilet paper roll


Color Markers or Paint with a brush


1 bottle cap (to trace around for the wheels)

Egg Carton Creation – Use egg cartons to create flowers. Use whatever you have available (markers, acrylic paint, water paint) to color the egg cartons. You can use any materials you have at home such as paper, pipe cleaners, or straws and glue to make the stem. Be super creative and see what you can make out of egg cartons!

Problem Solving

Spring Scavenger Hunt – go on a scavenger hunt outdoors with the family and check off the list of things you have to find! You can do this while going on a walk or even in your backyard.
– Birds nest
– listen for a bird
– animal tracks
– puddle
– bird
– squirrel
– feather
– plants
– stick
– rocks
– pinecone
– acorn

Language / Literacy

Slippery Fish Song – This is a song we like to sing in our class, encourage your child to sing it at home. Watch the song here and sing along!

Slippery fish, slippery fish

Sliding through the water

Slippery fish, slippery fish

Gulp, gulp, gulp


Oh no, it’s been eaten by a

Octopus, octopus squiggling in the water

Octopus, octopus

Gulp, gulp, gulp


Oh no, it’s been eaten by a

Tuna fish, tuna fish

Flashing through the water

Tuna fish, tuna fish

Gulp, gulp, gulp


Oh no it’s been eaten by a

Great White Shark, Great White Shark

Lurking in the water

Great White Shark, Great White Shark

Gulp, gulp, gulp


Oh no, it’s been eaten by a

Humongous whale, humongous whale

Spounting in the water

Humongous whale, humongous whale

Gulp, gulp, gulp



Math / Science


Count everything activity – You can use any household items you have at home. You can even use number blocks/number cards so that your child can slowly recognize numbers.


  • Stack/line up toys or any simple things from your home in a row.
  • Count loudly and point at each item as you count.
  • Let your child repeat after you until he/she memorizes the numbers
  • Begin from one to ten, and slowly progress to 20, 30, and so on, as the days pass.