
Volume 21

May 29, 2021

Ms. Hanifa

High Point – Community Center

June 1- 4, 2021


  1. June 10-11, 2021 No Class
  2. Tutorial for News Letter
  3. Tools of the Mind link  Explore in Child Center.
  4. Use this link to receive learning materials from the Library or you can use curbside pick option:
  5. Prepare all materials in backpack.
  6. REMINDER: Please remove any distractions (toys, TV, Distractions)
  7. REMINDER: Please have your child use the bathroom before class starts.
  8. All videos have a password please refer to the text message or email.

Movement / Play

With a scissor, make pizza toppings. (Cheese, chicken, broccoli) (1-5 times a week for 30 minutes)

Language / Literacy

  1. Read Story Lab: Kittens First Full Moon, go over new vocabulary words. Look out for words leaped and tumbled in the book. Practice saying it and talk about what it means.
  2. Practice couting to 10 with this song in English, Arabic, Oromo, Somali and Tigrinya. 11.21 High Point Hanifa on Vimeo

Math / Science

  1. Review the Fruits and Vegetable color chart we made in class. Talk about the different shapes we made.(10 minutes 3 times a week)
  2. Make a number line at home from 1-10
    1. Use this video for assistance. 25.21 High Point Hanifa on Vimeo
    2. Practice counting the dots for one to one correspondence.

Art / Writing

30 minutes

  1. Watch this video: Paint letters and a picture in this activity.
  2. Write a story together (Beginning, End)
    1. Draw a picture of what happens in the story
    2. Make props for your story
      1. Example tv use a box

Problem Solving

30 minutes

With Pack my Bag, your preschooler can prepare for a real trip or an imaginary one.  Have him help you prepare for the day’s activities by asking him questions.

What does the weather look like outside? What clothes should we wear? Will we need an umbrella, sunscreen, or a parka?

After we get out of the pool, we will want to get dry, so what will we need? I think we will be gone a while, do you think someone will get hungry?

My example questions might be too direct or just enough depending on your preschooler’s current problem solving skills. The trick is to ask questions that lead him just enough, but still give him some thinking work to do on his own.

Problem Solving

Challenge of the Week:

In your home, find one item for every color in the rainbow.